(continued from my South African safari trip in 2013)

My first drive was in the evening. They brought me to what I
had heard so much about...the lion pride with the 2 young cubs.

Other than seeing the rare white lions that frequent this area, seeing the full pride with its cubs was the absolute pinnacle of my hopes for this trip. There were 4 or
5 adult or near adult female lions with 2 very adolescent males who risked
being shooed from the pride by the 2 dominant males any day now. Today they
hung with the pride as the 2 dominant males were not in the immediate area, so
they were safe for now. I'm told that when these 2 pride leaders, brothers
themselves, are in the area, these 2 adolescents make themselves scarce so as
not to provoke the 2 older brothers, one of whom is their father.
The 2 gorgeous and adorable cubs, one female and the other
male, were playing with each other, seemingly never to have enough of the other
in the 15+ minutes we observed them.

After climbing all over, biting and rolling around with her brother for awhile, the female cub wanted to play with one of
the older females, probably an aunt, who seemed a bit cranky and didn't take
too kindly to the youngster climbing on her head while she was trying to sleep.
She abruptly got up from where she was laying with a grunt and moved to another
location. The young cub stood looking after her as she walked away as if to say
"What?! . . .what did I do?"
priceless scene with absolutely adorable cubs and beautiful lions.

On the other side of the group, two of the ladies laying near each other exhibited the fond affection I have come to see so often by the lions. They rolled touching each other, laying heads on each other and nuzzling one another. The familial connection, nurturing and love that can be seen among lions - even between males - is one of the most beautiful scenes to witness. The loving energy from this group emanated everywhere.
We arrived back at camp, had dinner, wine, a fire in the
campfire pit, and I returned to my perfect bed in my perfect room overlooking
the plain. I slept with the open wall to the sights and sounds of the African
bush under my white netted, perfectly cozy bed. I heard later that one of my
neighboring guests observed a giraffe eating from a tree right next to my tree
house around 2am. It would have been just exquisitely more than I could have
asked to greet a giraffe face to face…few would ever have that opportunity. Too
bad I was happily sleeping so soundly….
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