Our theme of "the kill" continued into our evening
drive. Word in the bush was there was a female leopard who had recently made a
kill and was sitting in a tree along with the spoils of her victory. Off we
went.... We were the first to arrive so had no one to point her out to us and
we had to seek and find. Our brilliant back-up guide and tracker, Jeffrey,
brought us to within 50-70 yards of the very tree in which she lay, unbeknownst
to us. We looked, looked and looked ....in trees, on the ground, everywhere. Just
when we were considering giving up, we spotted her. In the large tree at the
edge of the ridge that led down to the riverbed. There she was...on the first
large branch of the tree that extended out over the ridge. She was facing the
tree trunk, belly on the limb, all 4 legs hanging down
around the branch, with
her head laying on the branch facing away from us. She was apparently quite
exhausted from the energy expended during the kill. She wasn't moving. Where was the kill? Did
she already eat it? Then, far back at the edge of the same branch on which she
lay, almost in a nest of smaller branches, lay the kill. A steenbok. The
smallest in the antelope family here. She had hardly if at all eaten any of it.
It just lay there waiting for her when she was ready. We drove around to the
other side of the tree where we could see her face. We could also see the front
of the steenbok as well. She never moved. Apparently that kill took a lot out
of her. Her meal would wait.

We went off then to see the same family of rhinos that we
had seen the previous day. The 3 youth of varying ages, mother and father.
Father was always away from the others. Apparently the mother-father
relationship is somewhat tenuous and the family gets a little fussy if he gets
too close. The youngest rhino was laying next to mother. The middle child came
up and wanted to get in between, but neither mother nor youngest child were
willing to move to let in the middle child. So, the middle child started to
whine as he was trying to nose his way in between them. There was only enough
space for his head. His body was way too big to fit into the small space left
between the youngest and mother. His whines got louder and more upset about his
being blocked out. Of course he could have gone and laid on the other side of
mother, but that apparently was not good enough for him. He had to be in
between mother and the youngest. How funny it is to see similar human familial
relationships play out in the wild kingdom as well. Finally, after about 5
minutes of whining and trying to nose his way into this small space in between
them, he nudged harder, and the little one gave in. The baby moved away and the
middle child, very satisfied with himself and finally quiet, lay down next to

Our last sighting for the evening was back with the 4 lions
we had seen earlier in the morning chasing buffalo. The sun had set now, so it
was dark and the poor lions were having bright lights shone on them in order
for us to see them. They were all intertwined with one another like a litter of
kittens all curled up together. They could not have been more adorable or more
reminiscent of a house pet. Seeing these gorgeous creatures looking so contrary
to their hunting and killer role in the wild always makes it difficult to see
them as dangerous.. Just as it was with the 3 male lions earlier in the week
where the thinner one was being looked after by the middle male lion. We know
that they are dangerous killers, but we can also see the nurturing and loving
side of them for their own kind, and it just makes them even more beautiful.
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